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The Elements!

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

We have just completed a week of creative fun in Fishpond Woods where we investigated the four elements; fire, water, air and earth.

Rich Roy from Wildale Forest School joined us to extend the children's appreciation of what the woods had to offer.

The children have learned about tie dying, printing, making and floating rafts. Marbling, pipette and bubble painting have all been explored. Sticky clay was dug from the stream and moulded into sculpture. Sticks were turned into charcoal and used to draw with.

Bilberries and blackberries were collected, water was added and turned into delicious looking dyes! Tye dying techniques were introduced to decorate individual tote bags.

Having been inspired by the water in the pond, printing plates were created by indenting into the surface of Styrofoam sheets. Texture and mark making was explored to capture the ripples and movement of the water.

Rich from Wildale Forest School taught our budding engineers how to construct a raft out of natural materials from the wood. The children had loads of fun floating them on the water to see if their designs worked.

The children had the opportunity to explore the element of fire by making charcoal on the fire pit. The charcoal was later used to draw scenes from their imagination and surroundings. Pencils and crayons were also available as an alternative.

To highlight the earth, clay was collected directly from the stream and used to create woodland people, a seat for a metal armature and a plinth for a delicate tree!

Air was explored by blowing coloured inks through straws and having fun bubble painting. Pipettes were used to squirt ink across paper to add movement and energy. Marbling watery affects also contributed to some abstract wall hangings. Scroll along the photos below to see the different processes used.

To top the week off, we had a visit from a shy but very beautiful hedgehog!

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