Yesterday we ran an art session for some of our keyworker and critical worker children and how lovely it was too!
We have really missed running our sessions, so returning to the studio and getting creative again was a real treat.
As the weather has been so bitter, the children created some beautiful artwork based on keeping warm and cosy. Shape, pattern, line and colour were investigated through a range of paper collage and clay work.
Wax resist was used to add texture and pattern to woolly hats, scarves and mittens. Fun was had making individual pompoms, which added a sense of playfulness and delight.
Steaming cups of hot chocolate inspired these clay cups and saucers. The younger children began by making pinch pots, which they added pattern to by indenting marks into the surface with clay tools. Older members of the group made their cups out of coils, which they smoothed together to ensure strength and shape. Using a small saucer as a mould enabled the children to create their own saucers.
We are busy planning our new classes once lockdown has finished and we look forward to seeing you all then!
Keep safe